Photos are inevitable at a wedding. It’s a huge day in the lives of two people so there will always be a camera close by. Some may be camera shy, and some will love this. Either way the couple are sure to fondly share these with family and friends. You may be wondering how on earth to pose in a wedding photo, so we’ve put together some pose-spiration to help.


If you’re unsure allow your photographer to direct you into a pose. Photographers, if you’re too specific, saying things like “put your hands here…”, it can become awkward and make the couple appear unnatural. Rather, give directions and capture the motions into these. For example shoot foreheads coming in to touch. Shooting movements can appear more relaxed.


Talk to your photographer. Help them make you feel comfortable. The conversation can be as simple as looking at how you can achieve the shots that you want going in your album. Do you want a bear hug? Endearing gaze? Soft hand placements? Great. Do that action.


Here are few bridal position ideas for portraits:


  1. Body facing left or right with head pointed towards the camera. Play around with this by looking towards the camera, and pensively in the opposite direction.


  1. Full body and head toward the camera. The bride may tilt her head to the side a little and place ring hand on a cheek to show off this finer detail. Or she may hold the bouquet beneath her face.


  1. Torso toward camera with head tilted down. Looking down in this position can highlight eyelashes and make up.


  1. Same as above but with head looking to the left or the right. These can be more serious with no smile, or on the contrary, try to evoke natural laughter for a sweet image.


  1. For more artsy photos you can do something as simple as sitting in picturesque spots in your environment. This could be on a garden ledge, on rocks by the sea, or a pier. Use what’s around you. From a seated posture you can play with gazes, hand placements, and props.


Finally, if posing isn’t your thing, let your photographer do the work. They should be able to move the camera around you and through different angles and focal points, achieve a variety of looks.